Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ways Technology Is Aiding the Fight against Substance Abuse

Ways Technology Is Aiding the Fight against Substance Abuse

Substance Abuse
While you may know that you can get access to news stories detailing recent drug busts and learn of the local authority’s plans to help control the spread of illegal street drugs, most people aren’t aware of the fact that technology is helping to squash substance abuse in new and different ways. From social work and substance abuse initiatives that are being funded online for online substance abuse and prevention programs aimed at teens and younger children, experts are using both technology and the internet to help save the next generation from becoming dependent on illegally obtained and addictive substances. Find out the ways technology has been lending a helping hand and determine what you may be able to do to make substance abuse a thing of the past.

Online Crowdfunding and Substance Abuse

Not every person with a substance abuse issues has a comprehensive health insurance plan that will enable him or her to check into substance abuse programs that offer overnight treatment, access to detox medications or supportive counselling. Those who vehemently want to change their lives for the better are frequently using online crowdfunding to help get the money needed for advice and substance abuse recovery. There are multiple websites that substance abusers, as well as their supporters, can use to launch campaigns and then have friends as well as ordinary strangers, make small but consistent donations until their expenses are met.

Geolocation and Tracking Applications

Mobile apps are frequently used to help people navigate to unfamiliar places, just as they are utilised by parents who need to keep tabs on their children. Similarly, those in substance abuse recovery programs are also finding that geolocation specific mobile apps are helpful for monitoring purposes. When a counsellor knows where the most awkward and easiest places in town to obtain drugs are, these types of programs can be used to create physical boundaries for their patients in recovery. Alerts can be set, and intervention action can be taken if a patient in recovery is suspected of relapsing.

The Importance of Networking in Recovery

Many people who formerly have substance abuse problems feel ostracised, judged and isolated by those who have not lived through the same circumstances. This is why it is critical for them to be able to find settings where they are free to speak openly about their issues. Support can be accessed in recovery programs, but often patients in recovery want to know how they will be able to transition back into everyday living. There are multiple web-based forums and applications that people in recovery are using to interact with others just like themselves. These online networks are excellent for gaining confidence and for feeling as if they are accomplishing real goals.
You may have an idea for a new technology that can help to dissuade the youth of today from getting involved in drug abuse, to begin with, or perhaps you want to design a tool that can help people without the means to sign up for an in-patient recovery program. Technology has been helping substance abusers become sober for years and now, so there is ample opportunity for the numbers to continue to grow.

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